The City Lawyers
We care about the citizens of Seattle, and take pride in serving them through good and bad times. We have a record breaking amount of won cases, and we can help you as well.

We know that every project is different. That is why we seek to understand your goals, short and long term.
Once we understand the need, Cryopoint tailors a specific plan taking in to account the variations of the sample and its life cycle.
We implement a tailored plan for each client while still maintaining the highest standards of quality and safety.
We believe all sample storage projects are equally important, especially for each individual client or family.
Our company is needed in both good and bad situations in life, and we do whatever we can to make all instances a good experience no matter the time. We look at our clients as family with genuine problems and do not measure their wallet before we look at their case.
Why Us?
There are a number of biorepositories in the US, however we think our's is different. Built on respect and values, we offer our clients the same quality storage for a fraction of the price of our competition. We work with our clients to build and protect their irreplaceable samples.
Want to test the theory? Have questions? Please give us a call. We will do everything in our power to make you comfortable with our process.
“Our mission has always been simple: save clients money, do great work and try to help where we can.”